The opening of the St John of Kronstadt Academy marks a significant milestone for the ROCOR Diocese of Australia and New Zealand and the beginning of a prosperous future for our children. In opening, the Academy has achieved a number of firsts

1. The first accredited classical Orthodox school in Australia
2. The first Orthodox school in Queensland and
3. The first Orthodox school in our Diocese.

This step reflects the importance that we as Orthodox Christians place on the education of our children and the need to provide a solid spiritual and academic foundation in
an ever-changing society. St Basil the Great said "Seek out with much care and thought, a teacher who will be a safe guide to you in your manner of life; one who knows well how to lead such as are journeying towards God; a teacher who is rich in virtues [...] and wise in the Holy Scriptures."  

The vision of the Academy is one that echoes the teachings of the church fathers on the responsibility and purpose of education – to raise children in the faith, to focus on Christ and His Church and ultimately, to cultivate saints. This commitment is clearly evident in the Academy's core values, where liturgy, prayer, and worship take center stage, underscoring the profound significance of the Logos in every facet of the Academy's activities. 

An endeavour of this nature is not an easy one and the establishment of the Academy could not have been possible without the abundant grace and mercy of our Lord and the efforts of many who have laboured and donated to this noble task. Now we are already witnessing the profound impact of a classical Orthodox education on the students of the Academy.   

As a Pan-Orthodox school, the Academy is dedicated to supporting our brothers and sisters that make up the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic church. We welcome the unique contribution that our Orthodox brothers and sisters from different jurisdictions can make to the success of the Academy. We must always remember, although the world in which we live in is rapidly changing, there is One who does not change – Jesus Christisthe same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).  

The opening of the Academy marks just the beginning of a greater journey ahead, filled with opportunities and growth. I ask each one of you to extend your support to the Academy in any capacity you can and to keep the Academy, its dedicated staff, students, families, donors, and volunteers in your thoughts and prayers. 

With Archpastoral love and blessings, 

+ George 

Archbishop of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand